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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Life I Dreamt?

I feel... sometime,
Not all time... is mine,
Is this... a way to live?
Is this... we call Life.

I search...for happyness,
Wat i find ...deep sighs,
I tried... my level best,
In my hand... just a bitter pie

I miss those... days,
I miss those... nights,
When i was... at home,
Happyness... by my side

I have lost...those golden days
I have lost ...that time,
Now it’s only me...alone
And with me is...binary Life

Now I live...for myself,
I earn... for my life,
But, I think sometime,
Was only dream?
For which I studied...whole Life,

Was this... those books taught me?
Was this...I learnt of Life.

I change this,
I move out,
But still... what holds me,
Is my fail again?
And be called… a Waste Life

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